ABI Articles

Record Retrieval Services Help Law Firms of All Sizes

Law firms of all sizes can benefit by partnering with a nationwide record retrieval service. Whether your firm is big, small, or somewhere in the middle, a national leader in document retrieval can help you obtain the records you need efficiently
By ABI - November 2nd, 2017

5 Signs You Can’t Handle Your Own Record Retrieval Anymore

Record retrieval is a critical part of law practice and insurance work. Yet there’s no getting around the fact that requesting records is an arduous task that compromises time, money, and resources. Many legal and insurance professionals han
By ABI - October 31st, 2017

What Is Insuretech?

Technology has changed the way many industries do business, and the insurance industry is no exception. If you haven’t heard the word “insuretech” yet, it’s only a matter of time before you encounter it. What Is Insuretech? A portmante
By ABI - October 26th, 2017

Top 10 Insurance Industry Concerns For 2017

  The insurance industry is one commonly associated with stability and the status quo. However, change is a constant in any type of business. Moreover, change and innovation are critical components in any industry. Specifically, industry l
By ABI - October 24th, 2017

Best Document Tools for Retrieved Records

ABI Document Support Services has been nominated by The Daily Report as one of the Georgia legal industry’s “Best Document Management Solutions for Retrieved Records” in its 2017 “Best of” survey. The Daily Report Best of 2017 surve
By ABI - October 19th, 2017