How to Improve Office Collaboration During Record Review

By ABI - March 10th, 2017

record review planning

“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie

Simplify Your Document Management

Teamwork in an office setting has become increasingly more important over time. As the quote above implies, success can be achieved by taking the individual talents of a group and applying them to a project.

However, successful collaboration can be easier said than done. Even after you’ve determined that the assembled team is a good match, functional issues can still arise. For example, when multiple users are working in the same document, it can be difficult to remember who did what work, or even worse, determining which version of the document is most recent.

In a legal or claims office, this can be potentially devastating for the record review and summary process. As multiple users in teams search through and make summary notes on the records, a mess of information can be created.

eSummary by ABI™

eSummary by ABI™ already helps professionals in the legal and claims world improve productivity in their workdays by giving them the tools required to efficiently review and summarize records.

One of eSummary’s features is the ability to identify summary notes by user, which is helpful when multiple members of an office have been working in the same case or claim. By using eSummary’s existing keyword features, users simply assign custom tags, such as initials, to a note. To find notes created by a specific user, search based on the characteristics assigned.

Ultimately, all of the summary work from your team will be kept organized and easily accessible, allowing you to focus on other case-critical tasks.